
2024年4月25日—OurPact是一款評價最高且完善的螢幕時間家長監護應用程式、簡訊/應用程式/網站阻擋、家庭定位器,提供螢幕截圖可檢視您子女的線上活動。,2018年1月9日—IfyouareusingOurPacttoblockAppsaVPNAppwilldonothingevenifitcouldbeinstalled.Asitdoesn'tmagicallyallowaccesstoApps.A ...,2019年5月1日—ThemainthingwelearnedwhenwepressedtheApplerepresentativefordetailsabouttheuseofMDMand/orVPNwasthattheywouldn...

OurPact 最佳的家長控制4+

2024年4月25日 — OurPact 是一款評價最高且完善的螢幕時間家長監護應用程式、簡訊/應用程式/網站阻擋、家庭定位器,提供螢幕截圖可檢視您子女的線上活動。

how do i stop my child from switching VPN…

2018年1月9日 — If you are using OurPact to block Apps a VPN App will do nothing even if it could be installed. As it doesn't magically allow access to Apps. A ...

There Used to Be An App For That

2019年5月1日 — The main thing we learned when we pressed the Apple representative for details about the use of MDM and/or VPN was that they would not allow ...

How To Bypass OurPact

Here are two guides to beating OurPact, each with increasing difficulty, but also with increasing effectiveness. The guides are only for iOS devices. The first ...

Web Filter & Restrictions

2023年12月26日 — on their Android mobile device and tap the ENABLE button to turn on OurPact's VPN. Once OurPact's VPN is enabled, a key icon will appear at the ...

Can I use OurPact along with a VPN on my child's device?

2020年6月25日 — We do not recommend using both a VPN and OurPact's MDM profile as issues can arise if your child's device is managed by both since they each ...

Is there a way my friend could bypass Ourpact parental ...

2022年10月6日 — Go to settings, General, VPN & Device management, click on ourpact and press remove management. If his parents try to lock his phone though ...

OurPact 测评2024年

2024年5月31日 — 3 年多来,她致力于测试VPN 等在线数据保护产品并撰写相关评测。除了为Safety Detectives 供稿,她还会和孩子们一起跳舞,周游列国,烹饪最拿手的菜式 ...

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